Saturday, August 17, 2013

Writing a Series

 Two books published and now waiting to get my third one on the way, but the waiting is hard. I have someone editing my manuscript and she sends me one chapter every few days (If I am lucky).
Lately, I am on whim. I have never had a book written from a first person point of view published yet I had a story I like to polish on that is. It is called The Desires of My Heart. (I may make this story a little personal).
However, I have been doing some thinking. I read  three books written in a series and I am reading a book part of a series. How hard can it be?

In the Mind Reader Series by Author Lori Brighton, each book is a sequel  and I love all 3 books. Not ONE book disappointed me! But I also know that there are books written as a series not exactly a sequel.
 The thought came to me is "Why not make The Past Hunter a series?"  Wouldn't it be fun to see how Julie and Eric are doing a  few years later? Do they have kids? Was marrying Eric the right choice? (In my opinion, yes).  Other ideas for the series is having Julie and Eric be match makers or help their friends reunite as they did.

In both my book published, they all have to do with second chances so if I undertake the idea of writing a series, I will call it  "Second Chances" Series.

If you are interested in this idea, please comment under my post. This is something I will need much prayer for but I am sure if the Lord is for me,  I can do it!